Thursday, August 14, 2014

Whole30 Day 11

Well we're cruisin' towards the weekend, folks! Eleven days down, and I'm feeling pretty good!
This is me...feeling good

Other than the breakouts I mentioned yesterday, the only symptoms I've noticed this week has been a little bit of, um, tummy problems late in the afternoon; it could be from the raw veggies I've been eating (or my body still adjusting to all of the veggies in general). It's not bad, though - actually, kinda reminds me of being in India four years ago; I'd eat the western (American-style) buffet breakfast at the hotel each morning, mainly eggs, toast, coffee, etc. It was like clockwork, I'd eat the breakfast, and within a half hour or so, I'd have to make a quick run to the bathroom, but then I'd be ok. I always said I could eat all of the sketchy Indian street food I wanted and would be fine, it was the American food that got me! Ok, TMI time is officially over...

So, today's recap:

Breakfast: Almost 5-Ingredient Pizza Spaghetti Pie, chopped nectarine with whipped coconut cream

Lunch: Diced chicken thighs, collard greens, and sweet potato hash; baby carrots with ranch dipping sauce

Dinner: Silky Gingered Zucchini Soup topped with pulled pork
Simple yet filling meal

I've been starting to run low on food, so before I left for work this morning, I put a pork loin rubbed with chili powder, cumin, and paprika into my trusty crock pot. I love when I get home from work and have a meal waiting for me; the kitchen smelled so good! Once I got home, I quickly chopped up the ingredients for the soup and got that simmering on the stove; an hour later I had dinner ready and it barely took 5 minutes of prep. I try to use my crock pot at least once a week, and it really is such a timesaver. And now I have plenty of soup to sip on my way to work in the morning for the next few days!
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This weekend should be a pretty big test of my resolve, as it's my boyfriend's birthday weekend, and we're planning a big dinner Saturday night with our friends at a local Mexican restaurant. My plan is to eat before I head to the restaurant, and maybe just order a salad or something similar. The meal I usually eat there is paleo, but may not be Whole30 compliant. I could grill the waitstaff, but I hate being a difficult diner :) I also have another friend that is celebrating his birthday tomorrow night at a popular local beer market; the beer won't be a problem (I don't drink alcohol at all), but the market is known to have tasty food as well. Again, I'll probably eat before heading there, and hopefully I'll have the will to stay strong!

That's it for now! Any of my readers doing a Whole30 now? I'd love to hear about some of your experiences, meals, or gripes, feel free to share in the comments!

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