This weekend is shaping up to be pretty busy; I've got a bridal shower Saturday afternoon, and then my sister is coming into town Saturday night with two college friends for a week of spring break. On top of that, I've got to keep the progress on the front yard moving. So do I get up early on Saturday to dig up more of the grass? Since my sis is getting in Saturday evening, I'll be heading to church Sunday morning instead. Hopefully I'll still get the chance to play volleyball Sunday afternoon - I know my sis expressed interest in doing that, too. And on top of all that...MEASUREMENT WEEKEND!!!
It's been a pretty good week; I've been packing my lunch and being sensible for dinner. I'm still trying to cut down on my sugar intake, because it's the one area that is still not under control. Pretty soon I'll be munching cardboard, I suppose. Most of my sugar intake is from fruits, so on one hand, it's not like I'm downing straight sugar packets...but it's still sugar. Any suggestions on how to reduce the sugar and still have my morning smoothie??
In closing, I'm pretty pumped for my run tomorrow morning; Wednesday's rain brought about another cold front here in SoFla, and it's forecasted to be in the 40s tomorrow morning. Perfect running weather! I gotta enjoy these cool mornings while I can get them, before you know it daylight savings time will kick in, it'll stay dark till 7, and hot and muggy to boot. Blecch.
Stay tuned this weekend for progress updates - including pics!!!
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